More and More Greetings have been forwarded
Towards your way, this is specially meant to
Greet you, have a very happy Eid Al-Fitr Day.
Best Wishes on this Eid Ul Fitr
Day, It fills your life with the Love
And happiness in a better way.
I wish A wish for you. The wish I wish
For few. The wish I wish for you is that
Your all wishes come true so keep on
Wishing as my all wishes are with you.
My Blessing, Congratulations and Good
Wishes. I wish you the best of everything
For not only in EID-UL-FITAR but also
All the years ahead.
There are the words in english tat can be left
Untold or unsaid, Thoughts can be left out as
Unexpressed, Above it a person like your
Nature Can�t be forgotten on this day of.
Its more than just an Eid wish, more than A message too. For it
comes with warm and loving thoughts because its meant for you.
Let the Allah Blessings May Add some
Smile, Happiness, Wealth, Love To your
Life this year Wish yo a very Happy.
Let this special day bring peace and smoothness in your
Life, may it provide you the best time of your life.
Some words can be left unsaid, Some feeling can be left unexpressed, But A person like you can never be forgotten
On this day...!!!
Wish you all Islamic Followers Happy Eid Wish Allah to be with
You at each point in life, yeasterday, today, tomorrow and always.
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